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DNSCrypt Resolver

Doggo supports DNSCrypt, a protocol that authenticates communications between a DNS client and a DNS resolver. It prevents DNS spoofing and provides confidentiality for DNS queries.

Using DNSCrypt

To use DNSCrypt, you need to provide a DNS stamp prefixed with @sdns://:

Terminal window
doggo @sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAABzEuMC4wLjEAEmRucy5jbG91ZGZsYXJlLmNvbQovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5

This command initiates a DNSCrypt (or DoH) resolver using its DNS stamp.

DNS Stamps

DNS stamps are compact, encoded strings that contain all the necessary information to connect to a DNSCrypt or DoH server. They include:

  • The protocol used (DNSCrypt or DoH)
  • The server’s address and port
  • The provider’s public key
  • The provider name

The stamp in the example above is for Cloudflare’s DNS service.

Benefits of Using DNSCrypt

  • Authenticates the DNS resolver, preventing DNS spoofing attacks
  • Encrypts DNS queries and responses, enhancing privacy
  • Supports features like DNS-based blocklists and custom DNS rules

Public DNSCrypt Resolvers

You can find a list of public DNSCrypt resolvers at Each resolver will have its own DNS stamp that you can use with Doggo.

Considerations When Using DNSCrypt

  • Requires trust in the DNSCrypt provider, as they can see your DNS queries.
  • May introduce slight latency compared to classic DNS resolver.
  • Not all DNS providers support DNSCrypt.