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Shell Completions

Doggo provides shell completions for zsh and fish, enhancing your command-line experience with auto-completion for commands and options.

Bash Completions

To enable Bash completions for Doggo:

  1. Generate the completion script:

    Terminal window
    doggo completions bash > doggo_completion.bash
  2. Source the generated file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

    Terminal window
    echo "source ~/path/to/doggo_completion.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

    Replace ~/path/to/ with the actual path where you saved the completion script.

  3. Restart your shell or run source ~/.bashrc.

Zsh Completions

To enable Zsh completions for Doggo:

  1. Ensure that shell completions are enabled in your .zshrc file:

    Terminal window
    autoload -U compinit
  2. Generate the completion script and add it to your Zsh functions path:

    Terminal window
    doggo completions zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_doggo"
  3. Restart your shell or run source ~/.zshrc.

Now you can use Tab to auto-complete Doggo commands and options in Zsh.

Fish Completions

To enable Fish completions for Doggo:

  1. Generate the completion script and save it to the Fish completions directory:

    Terminal window
    $ doggo completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
  2. Restart your Fish shell or run source ~/.config/fish/

You can now use Tab to auto-complete Doggo commands and options in Fish.

Using Completions

With completions enabled, you can:

  • Auto-complete command-line flags (e.g., doggo --<Tab>)
  • Auto-complete DNS record types (e.g., doggo -t <Tab>)
  • Auto-complete subcommands and options